
Diceborn Heroes: A Co-op Dice Adventure Game

Created by Diceborn Games

1-4 Player Co-op Dice Game inspired by Japanese RPG's. 60-90 mins. Ages 10 and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 46: January Update
about 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 12:56:46 AM

Insert samples arrived!

Greetings heroes! I've been hard at work addressing a few issues we have had in production. First off we have received copies of the insert shown below. The height of the sample was just slightly too shallow, we are extending it so that the top of the cards would fit with sleeves, they may have to be angled slightly in this configuration.

This insert configuration while not our first pick does let you organize in several different ways. Firstly all the quest packs will be shipped in the large cavity. After you have played through each quest you can set up the quests in the larger slots. The smaller item, monster, and ATK cards, can be placed longways as shown or sideways to keep them seperated. Hero cards are set into 2 compartments, you can organize them as level 1-2 in one compartment and level 3 in the other, or set the different hero artworks into their own compartment.

New Print n Play digital download files

I have updated the new PnP files now, e-mails should be sent out with a link to the new download. It is the one labelled as "Diceborn Heroes PnP". If you have included the digital files for the game you can download the zip file. In there the cards are organized as Front and Back. Easiest way to set them up is if you have card sleeves cutting out the front and back artwork seperately then putting both into 1 sleeve.

Art prints and canvas prints have arrived!

We have the final art prints and Canvas prints now, which is the last of the extras we have ordered. Once we have word the physical copies of the game are completed we can organize the shipping to get them out there to everyone. We have a new estimated delievery.

New shipdate

I appreciate everyone's patience as we work through getting everything produced. The production end of it is not going to be completed before the chinese new year break. So that is going to put production back to March, then we can start shipping them out which may take 4-6 weeks if all goes well. Shipping is going to be through Quartermaster Logistics who have a long history of safe and swift delivery, so hopefully our freight's voyage goes smoothly.

Until next time Heroes!

Update 45: Christmas came early!
about 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 12:12:23 AM

 We have received the Pre-production copy!

Happy Holidays everyone! I received an early gift this year from Panda Games: The pre-production copy of Diceborn Heroes. I have been rigorously peering through it and  overall it is stunning. The clarity of the cards, the sturdy centerboard, all worth the effort for the stretch goals. Unfortunately they weren't able to complete the Insert for it at the time due to some structural issues out of the mold with the current design, we have retooled it and should be in tip top shape for production. I posted an unboxing on our Facebook and Youtube pages. Here are some photos of what is included.

 Thats 156 mini sized cards, 88 Hero cards, 72 quest cards, 49 tokens, 12 plastic ziploc bags, 1 board, 1 rulebook, 26 dice all complete.

 So what's the next step?

Here we are pressing the print button on everything. This means that 6-8 week timeline begins now. This is my excited face! We have come a long way. Things that you can do to help expedite things: 

1) Please make sure your shipping address is up to date.

2) Pray to the shipping gods for good weather and safe passage. (optional)

3) Give your postal worker an extra special Christmas gift for their hard work. (optional)

All kidding aside. This was the most real it has felt, opening the box and seeing all the work sitting in there. So many decisions and ideas were hashed out almost a year ago I got to rediscover them. I hope you all have a great holiday season. Cause 2019 is the year of DICE! Until next time heroes!

Update 44: For the Kids!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 10:58:19 PM

 24-Hour Charity Live Stream

Hi Guys! It's that time of year again. We will be doing another 24 hour board game Live Stream to help raise money for Alberta Children's Hospital. Opened in Calgary, Alberta in September 2006, The Alberta Children's Hospital became the first free-standing pediatric facility to be built in Canada in more than 20 years and the facility cares for over 90,000 children and their families each year. We will be doing a live play through of one of the new quests for Diceborn Heroes at 7pm GMT. Our live stream will be posted on Twitch. You can also donate following this link:

Every cent counts towards our goal.

Production update

We are working with Panda to try to get production moving forward as swiftly as possible we have still hit a few communication hiccups that are being ironed out. We have a few photos and updates. First off we have the dice towers all stained looking impressive and we have the last of the Acrylic tokens having the numbers painted.

Also while we get the boxes ready we are actively working on the shipping solutions and ideas for new quests and hero options down the road (still a ways away but it's always good to world build.) What Hero classes would you love to see show up in future Stories? Feel free to comment below with your favorites. We have all waited a long time for this and should hopefully not be much longer, to expedite things please ensure your shipping address is correct and that you have completed the survey on the backerkit. You can check it at anytime at . Until next time heroes!

Update 43: Quick Update
over 6 years ago – Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 02:09:08 AM

 Happy October everyone!

     It's been a few weeks since my last update I thought i would drop in and give you a progress report. Everything seems to be taking longer than anticipated which seems to be the running pattern, but I just got through a back and forth with the manufacturer about tooling for the product. clarifying the insert, packaging, and how we are going to seperate the different backing orders. Hopefully this extra time setting up a tuckbox for the KS promos will help alleviate time when we are packing.

    I still haven't received the PPC sample yet which i have been awaiting for some time but I imagine they wanted this packing update ironed out before they sent it. Good news though we have word that the Dice Towers have been stained and are awaiting the felt bed for the final touches. We are racing the holiday shipping date, i feel like its a fruitless effort though as mass shipments are being sent now and the chances that we get through in time for the holidays might be a miracle. It depends alot on how quickly they can get this stuff ready and on the boat.

      Thanks to everyone who stopped by at SHUX in Vancouver. It was great to see alot of support in person, and while a great deal of game developpers are at Essen this weekend I hope to hit up more conventions next year after the games release. Hopefully will have more news next time. Until next  time heroes!

Update 42: Happy Thanksgiving!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 11:50:04 PM

 All quiet on the homefront

Hi Everyone, this is a quick update to touch base with everyone. As last week was a Chinese national holiday, there hasn't been much development so I thought I would take a minute to reach out and talk about lessons I have learnt in this last year of Kickstarter. 

Lesson 1: Print file organization. (Photoshop is not friendly)

Man if this lesson has been the longest and most drawn out of the bunch. Setting everything up felt easy, early on but having to redo all the files afterwards was not worth it in the long run. For the future, using InDesign seems to be the best software for making simple changes over a large number of files as that what a lot of printers and designers have recommended.

Lesson 2: Communication isn't always easy

During the big crunch on making digital files it got very hard to give updates as most of the delay was on my end. I felt that my time was best spent editing and setting things up and have definetely fell short on responsibilities to keep people updated. Especially when other things keep getting in the way, a one-off note saying things are okay, can be enough when you don't have time for a 3 hour update with photos and information.

Lesson 3: Kickstarter isn't just a 1-way street

Walking into this I felt that I had all the answers and when things came up I didn't have an answer for I just decided to struggle my way through. A few great backers have helped out, reaching out with their time and effort. Whether it's proof reading rulebooks, playtesting new quests, and add-on ideas. It has been a huge help and one of the best things about the community.

There has been so many more lessons on stretch goals, organizing pledge levels, shipping, and mass production. All of which should help in future endeavors. Thanks for listening. Until next time heroes!