
Diceborn Heroes: A Co-op Dice Adventure Game

Created by Diceborn Games

1-4 Player Co-op Dice Game inspired by Japanese RPG's. 60-90 mins. Ages 10 and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 7: Heroes one and all!
about 7 years ago – Thu, May 11, 2017 at 02:12:14 PM


 What a huge day it has been. We got 50% in one day, nothing to shrug at. I have to thank Rahdo for a review that really brought out the excitement and options at each game. We plowed through a ton of stretch goals and I've added a bunch more that I want including getting custom dice made! We also unlocked a personal favorite class, the Gambler!

 Class Upgrade system

Some people were curious on what the class upgrade system is going to be like and how does it work. I made a diagram of the Fighter's class tree.

 With each new level a hero is given 2 options of which class they would think would benefit the team. Each class offers different ways to support, defend, and take down enemies and team building for the situation is very much important to succeeding in the game. With each level you also have the option to keep your same class and take the new ability from one of the classes in hand, this will let you get additional health and dice, and the next time you level up you upgrade that 2nd level card that was tucked behind previously.

Acrylic Tokens

As a quick update, I thought I would repost the acrylic tokens for those who did not get to see them previously, there will be a set of 40 tokens included in all stretch goals with the Tokens added.



I'm going to be adding a few items into the FAQ, it would be great if I could add these images in but a few common questions, the answers are going to be available there.

That's it for now! Keep spreading the word and let's get those Stretch goals, and free that bard by tweeting to @dicebornheroes or #DicebornHeroes!

Update 6: We Did it!
about 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 10:01:38 PM

 Thank you!

 Didn't expect to be doing another update today but there is so much to discuss that I had to fill everyone in. First off we have not only reached our goal but we have blown past our first Stretch goal so without further ado let me introduce the Berserker!

 Next stretch goal is our Gambler class who is not far off, can we entice them to come help our cause?

Level 3 Mage goal - acrylic tokens SOLD OUT? but not for long...

We priced out a print run from BlackThumb productions for our acrylic tokens which turned out great, at the time, I didn't know how popular and how much time we would need to get full acrylic token replacements, with the time frame we made a modest estimate and proceeded to blow past it. So after a discussion about logistics we are adding a 2nd run of acrylic tokens. Due to potential timing we may be a few weeks off our initial release, but where there's a laser there's a way! Check out the new Level 3 mage option available.

Just on the edge of our next stretch goal we will see you in the next Update!

Update 5: The Quest for Stretch Goals!
about 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 07:25:10 PM

12% Left to our destination but much more left in our Journey!

Thanks Heroes for all the help, comments and support. We are definetely on track to start busting through some of these stretch goals, We still have a bunch more to go, We are still trying to get the Bard class added, so tweet away @dicebornheroes and let us know who your favorite RPG character is in any tabletop or VideoGame. Mine is definetely FROG from the SNES classic Chrono Trigger.

New Stretch Goals unlocked!

A few days ago we released the first tier stretch goals for our journey. We have our first goal which would open up the Berserker class, who has the ability to taunt, and put down enemy's guard as well as dealing potentially critical damage. Beyond unlocking our Berserker class we are going to be showing off the new Gambler class, which with a dice game is a hero who enjoys pure randomness.

Other great stretches are a fantastic cloth dicebag with the logo to hold your dice, which is a nice touch. Oversized Boss cards make those final battles so much more epic and feel like much more of an event than other battles.The battlefield playmat which will go into the middle and give a nice template for your attack deck, quests, and incoming enemies. Finally something that I've been wanting since the beginning is an accompanying app, that will provide MIDI battle tunes, SFX and alot of situational effects that just enhances and fleshes out the story of your game.

There are ideas being worked out for more good stuff! More heroes, more quests, more bonuses, maps, artwork and new modes.

Rahdo Runs through Diceborn Heroes

Richard "Rahdo" Ham, has done a fantastic playthrough and review of Diceborn Heroes from scratch. Watch him and Jen take on the nefarious Necromancer and search for the truth in the Ancient Church...

Gameplay runthrough:

Final Thoughts

Thanks again heroes! We have more in store so stay tuned!

Update 4: May the 4th be with you!
about 7 years ago – Fri, May 05, 2017 at 04:28:51 PM

 We are 80% there!

Happy day everyone! we have made a ton of progress and we are one week in. I have alot of stuff coming up so I figured I'd drop a quick update and let everyone know what we have planned this week.

The LIVE Stream!

We did 2 full games on the live stream. They both went really well, the first one was a bit of a struggle against the Hydralyx, but our 2nd battle didn't know what hit him, we had a great team. We showcased how the campaign system worked and how some of the cards in our first game showed up at key moments in the 2nd. Also we had a great preview of the Bard Hero Class and their song deck. Heroes can go check it out it's still up at:

Promo Dice!

We got some promo dice made up to help show off the game and introduce people to the game. They turned out really well, we will be doing a couple events locally in Calgary, May 20th at Metal Galaxy Cafe.

 The Rules are available on BGG!

We now have a copy of the prototype rulebook available on BGG for everyone to check out and see how your hero and quest will unfold in a game. Feel free to add it to your wish list to help get it moving up the charts there as well. To check out the rules scroll down to the "FIles" category. You click on

Thanks again Heroes! We have more updates soon

Update 3: International Tabletop Day
about 7 years ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 06:51:20 AM

 Happy International Tabletop day!

Hey guys I've been busy at the Calgary Expo running demos and showing off Diceborn Heroes to all the great local gamers I've had alot of great feedback and some very close wins. I'm mostly going to be set up at booth 1111, so stop in and say hi if you're around. I wanted to post a couple updates for everyone for the weekend.


We are playing through a complete game of Diceborn Heroes live this Monday at 06:00PM Mountain Time. To catch the stream please follow:

We will be accepting any questions and comments live during the stream and will be having some new players trying it out.

Backer Quests!

There's alot of questions about the current backer quests. The quest to save the Bard's voice we are 15 tweets in, we need 85 more to unlock the Bard class in all copies plus additional items. The Colosseum quest will unlock the Boss rush quests along with the Berzerker class to all copies! We can get those goals going to reveal more goals to come, the more we can get through together, the better the final product will be, time is of the essence.

Pledge Levels

Here's a clarification on the various pledge levels: