
Diceborn Heroes: A Co-op Dice Adventure Game

Created by Diceborn Games

1-4 Player Co-op Dice Game inspired by Japanese RPG's. 60-90 mins. Ages 10 and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 51: We are ready to go!
over 5 years ago – Fri, May 24, 2019 at 02:36:33 AM

May the wind be with us! We are ready to set sail!

We have received word that all the copies are packed, acclimatized, wrapped and ready to go! It's been a long time coming and I appreciate the amazing patience you have all had and trust that we can make it to the finish line. We are not home free yet, we do have to deal with the additional tariffs that have been instated, but it is one more hurdle we will get over. If anyone has any final address changes you can message me and I can send the changes to the address list to our logistics company. Timeline wise we are about a month away from everyone having their copies in hand. 

New playthroughs and reviews are popping up!

While you wait, there are some more videos on the horizon by your favorite reviewers or game industry people as recommended by fans. We recently have gotten a fair 5 in Five by One Stop Coop Shop: 

We will have more stuff posted as they develop along with a new video introduction for people new to the game, which is currently 99% of people. :)

Looking to the Horizon

In the past few months during downtime I have been hard at work with new quests, heroes, stories and ideas to expand the game in exciting directions. I thought I would create a poll to find out what backers might like to see in a future expansion. Of course more content for the original game is a key part but there's always room to grow the game in new and exciting ways. You have all been a big part in the making of this game and would love your opinions. You can find the poll on our FB page or with this link:

 Diceborn Heroes Poll 

If you have any ideas you don't see you might enjoy feel free to leave a comment below! We will have more info on shipping destinations and progress soon! Until next time!

Update #50: Finalizing shipping addresses
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 02:21:19 AM

Finalizing Shipping address

Greetings heroes. Just another quick announcement we are sending our shipping address info to QML to begin preparing for our voyage across the ocean. We will need all finalized addresses by Thursday. After that we are locked in for orders and add-ons as well. We will be doing a final charge to all those that have added things since the campaign closed and were not charged yet, as well as those that pre-ordered after the campaign. The sooner we can get this done the sooner we can set sail! Thanks again!

Update #49 Production completion
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 11:07:53 PM

Completion Date

Greetings heroes we now have a production completion date from Panda Games and are now shifting focus on the process of getting everything shipped out. Production will be complete in the first week of May. This puts us to delivery completion in June with approximately a month for shipping. This was much longer than originally anticipated with the hopes that it would arrive in 2018 but having dates now we can plan ahead with participating in some conventions in the summer!

Conventions and TCTC

Diceborn Heroes will be at TCTC in Vancouver this weekend. If you're attending we will have some promo dice and the Promo Silverfang cards for backers. Also currently trying to get a table again at GenCon, I will keep everyone posted once we get something worked out. Until next time heroes!

Update 48: Production shots
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 01:28:20 AM

Some production shots and updates

Hi Heroes, just got back from inspecting the token and dice tower production things are looking good! The tokens should be all cut by next week. Afterwards they will be packaged into sets to be sent to our distributors to send out with copies of the game. Also we have sent a list of review copies that will start popping up within a month which should be roughly when shipping will be happening for the remainder of KS backers. 

Until then here is a soothing video of the laser cutter cutting tokens.

Current Convention dates:

TCTC  Vancouver -  Croatian Cultural Centre - March 30-31st

Update 47: Quick February timeline update
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 05:35:02 PM

Quick update

Greetings heroes! It has been a while since our last update, things have been quiet for the last bit as most of the production team is on break. I thought I would give a quick update on shipping plans and status. While I was not able to get an updated timeline on shipping yet, I was able to get an update on the accessories.

The dice tower assembly is almost done and will be completed next week. The acrylic tokens have all been engraved and 75% of them are cut, meaning that they should be packaged and ready to ship in 3 weeks. Other than the boxed game everything else will be completed and we will start to get shipping organized. We have 2 options right now and it will all depend on what our updated timeline is from Panda Games. 

Option 1) We will do individual shipping for add-ons seperate from the game. This will start the process early, to get the items to all of you while we wait for the game to ship. This will also remove reassembly time for the packaging that would most likely be an issue as well as make sure that there isn't any mix-ups. Issues are going to be trying to guarantee friendly delivery without any surcharges to people in other countries.

Option 2) Ship it all together. Hopefully there won't be much delay and we can get the game reassembled locally. If there is a longer delay by a few weeks we can discuss shipping the components to the factory so that reassembly is not required. Keeping things from being repackaged also would help environmentally.

There are a few other options, mostly trying to avoid having to go do it myself but depending on the shipments some may become more viable.

2019 Conventions

Convention season is starting to gear up hopefully we can get to more conventions in new locations. Currently we are scheduled to attend the Terminal City Tabletop Convention (TCTC) in Vancouver BC, March 30-31. Working out details for a few others once the game is in everyone's hands!

 I will most likely do another update much sooner once i get the updated timeline with more concrete plans and hopefully much more exciting news.