
Diceborn Heroes: A Co-op Dice Adventure Game

Created by Diceborn Games

1-4 Player Co-op Dice Game inspired by Japanese RPG's. 60-90 mins. Ages 10 and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 21: Gearing up for GenCon
about 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:57:14 PM

GenCon adventure awaits!

We are now in full GenCon swing. Which is not the name of a 90's jive band album. We have a box full of pins for people who stop by along with promo cards for backers and people who wish to get in on pre-orders, and dice for those who want to jump in on the 3 learn and play events we are running at the con. Unfortunately a shipment of components was misdelivered and we are short tokens and boxes but we will find some substitutes for the demoes.

It\s a 28 hour drive down from Calgary should be quite an adventure on the road, it will be worth it when we get there! Aside from GenCon stuff I have a few other fun announcements

First off I want to unveil the new logo for Diceborn Games Ltd. In the future we hope to expand both the Diceborn system and world. Along with providing some unique experiences in games that are both fun and accessible to many age groups.

 Close look at the Bounty System

Something that may have been glossed over in some of the playthroughs is the Bounty system. Each player is going to choose one of 2 bounties to accomplish. These give each player a personal goal to achieve during the game. Accomplishing this goal is going to open up more hero tokens so that you can be more effective in the battles to come and unlock the ability to spend Hero Tokens to assign additional attack die. The completed bounty is placed below your hero card to show the new hero ability.

We will have alot of pictures posted on our twitter and Instagram accounts along the way. Any one else have anything they are looking forward to at GenCon? Love to hear back on what other people are excited about. With so many surprises in store I'm sure it's gonna be great. Until next time Heroes!

Update 20a: corrected demo times.
about 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 11:24:31 PM

A quick update on demo times

Well in my haste to copy the demo times for the Learn and Play events I ended up copying the event end times instead. Here are the correct times as per the GenCon website:

Diceborn Heroes: Learn & Play Diceborn Heroes, Thursday 1:00 PM

Diceborn Heroes: Learn & Play Diceborn Heroes, Friday 11:00 AM

Diceborn Heroes: Learn & Play Diceborn Heroes,  Saturday 1:00 PM

Also there will be a learn and play event Thursday evening at 6pm at Good Games store 2 blocks away from GenCon front doors. The address is 111 South Meridian St.

Thanks to Kim and the people at Good games for opening up the space for people. So if you want a break from the hustle of games at GenCon or can't fit it in your busy schedule. Come by after hours and play more games!




Update 20: It's been too long...
about 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 12:38:46 AM

 The road to GenCon

Hi guys, it's been a while sorry for any stress in not getting back, I had to focus on finalizing a lot of the games new quests and heroes, get assets and prints ready for GenCon and that every hour counted in getting those things on time. The print files are all sent now and i can give you a glimmer of insight into all the improvements and decisions going forward, we won't have to worry about another period of silence hopefully, which we will now refer to as "the dark time".

 Battlemat preview

I've been playing around with options for the battlemat, size and material options. right now this is what I have roughed in to give an idea. it will have room for the quest and row of monster cards as well as the atk deck spot. There will be 2 sides it will have different art on each side and will measure 8" by 16" a,d fold in the middle.


Changes to the class tree...

Now that we have unlocked all classes over the last month I have been doing some tests and decided that the Gambler class was a little too confusing for new players as it didn't follow the regular formula of assign and attack. I decided to look at the class tree and swapped it's position with the Painter class. So every copy of Diceborn Heroes is getting the Painter class, and the gambler is moving over to the copycat tree which works well.

Original artwork vs. HD artwork

I know alot of people are fans of the original artwork, and while they are some of my favorite and are going to be available for KS backers in the digital download I needed to make a choice for design moving forward. That being said the art that was done is not in vain as I will be including all that artwork on every hero card as well! The back of each hero card will feature the original artwork showing the upgrade tree. It fits very nicely with the smaller image and is a nice homage to the roots of the game. (Get it, tree, roots... :)

Gencon Learn and Play events

You can look for us at our in Hall F booth 3006. Directly across from the Kingdom Death. Hope to see a few of you guys there in Indianapolis.

We have 3 Learn and play events scheduled. You can pre-register at Gencon website.

Diceborn Heroes: Thursday at 2:30 PM Location: ICC : Hall A : Black : 7--8

Diceborn Heroes: Friday at 12:30 PM Location: ICC : Hall B : Green : 28--30

Diceborn Heroes: Saturday at 2:30 PM Location: ICC : Hall A : Black : 21--23

Until next time Heroes...

Update 19: BackerKit Surveys
about 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 09:24:34 PM

 Surveys are out!

As many of you have noticed in your inbox a few days ago, the surveys are out now and there are a few hiccups and for some and questions I thought I would post an update for some general answers to nip them in the butt.

Local Pick up in Calgary and Edmonton "Christmas Island"

The idea of putting local shipping under "Christmas Island" has caused a few issues with tracking software, mainly that people who had pledged for local pickup are being asked for a valid address. There are several solutions all of which are correct.

1) Put a valid Christmas Island address: Everyone who selects Christmas Island as a shipping option will be flagged as "Do not ship" So don't worry about them heading on the other side of the globe. Any valid address will do the one that I have tested is: (street)412 Canberra Place, (city)The Settlement, (postal code)6798, (country)Christmas Island

2) Put a local or your local address: If you put down your local address there will be an additional shipping charge shown. You can go ahead and pay the fees. We are going to message everyone in Calgary and Edmonton if they prefer local pickup and in which city then refund those options the shipping fee they had set aside.

$4 shipping cost reduction and credit

On many people's pledges there is a lower shipping option shown. Over halfway through the campaign we had negotiated a new shipment deal that help reduce rates to some countries in the EU and US. I decided to offer it as credit towards any add-ons you wish to buy, unfortunately the ability to set it up as a refund is too daunting at this moment hopefully you will see it as a gesture of good will.

If you have any questions or concerns about your survey or anything specific feel free to contact myself through KS or through email. I am going to deal with any issues on a case by case basis. There are a few other questions I will address with the backerkit team and get back to you.

We are getting closer to getting Diceborn Heroes out to everyone! Until next time Heroes...

Update 18: LIve Stream tonight at 7pm MT
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 06:34:20 PM

We are doing the Live Thank you video tonight!

Greetings Heroes! After a bit more testing and set up we are trying again to do the Thank you video tonight at 7pm. Thanks for everyone who tuned in last time but unfortunately the audio kept looping. Did some more tests and I'm using a different streaming software now so everything should be fine to upload. Come by and say hi, and we will try to get through all the names from the survey! Some of them are going to be quite entertaining.